Thursday, March 8, 2012

Joe Hibbler Seneca vs Adam Kritzer Line Mountain

Kritzer from Line Mountain scores a takedown :10 into the first period.  Hibbler attempts to escape securing a escape to cut the lead to 2-1.  Kritzer again gets a takedown to go up 4-1 with Hibbler securing an escape going down 4-2.  The first period ends 4-2 with Kritzer holding a slim lead.

Kritzer takes down Hibbler to start the second period and escapes immediately to go up 6-2.  Injury time for Kritzer at the :28 mark of the second period.  Kritzer is riding looking to turn Hibbler.  Hibbler escapes at the :52 of the second period to cut the lead to 6-3.  Both men working to secure a takedown.  Kritzer holds onto a 6-3 lead with :14 left in the second.  The third period ends 6-3 Kritzer.

Hibbler starts the third period in the defensive position.  Hibbler escapes to cut the lead to 6-4.  Kritzer gets in deep with Hibbler defending.  Both wrestlers funk but neither can gain control.  Kritzer locked tight on the leg of Hibbler as the ref calls stalemate and then blood time for Kritzer.  Inside trip attempted by Hibbler with no success.  Stalling warning on Kritzer for backing up as the match comes to an end, with Kritzer securing a 6-4 win.

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