Thursday, March 8, 2012

Zac Ulerick Middletown vs Sam Krivus Hempfield Area

Both wrestlers are in the Neutral position.  The match remains scoreless with :15 left in the match.  Krivus in deep on a shot but defended well by Ulerick as the first period comes to a end, scoreless 0-0.

Ulerick wins the disc flip and chooses to start the second period from the bottom position.  Ulerick escapes at the edge of the mat 30 seconds into the second period.  Both wrestlers work their way to the middle in the Neutral position.  Action remains in the Neutral position with 10 seconds left in the second period.

Caution on Ulerick to start the third period from the top position.  Krivus elected to start the third period from the bottom position.  Injury time for Ulerick ... then Krivus escapes to tie the match at 1-1.  Ulerick is in deep on a double leg as both wrestlers fall out of bounds.  Back to the center for another start.  Ulerick in on another shot at the edge of the mat, but the ref calls them out of bounds.  Back to the center yet again.  The match is tied at 1-1 with :15 left.  OVERTIME.

Ulerick in deep on a takedown and secures the takedown with :37 left in the sudden victory period.  Ulerick wins 3-1 6:23 SV.

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