Saturday, March 10, 2012

Corey Keener Blue Mountain vs Patrick Duggan Cumberland Valley

Keener obtains a takedown 1:15 into the first period to take a 2-0 lead.  Keener starts on the bottom to start the second period, reversing Duggan to go ahead 4-0 with :54 left in the second period.  Duggan is awarded an escape, cutting the lead to 4-1.  Both wrestlers get in a scramble, working to get a takedown as the period ends with Keener leading by 4-1.

Duggan starts the third period on the bottom and immediately escapes to cut the lead to 4-2.  Keener in on a single leg with Duggan defending well.  Both wrestlers go toward the edge of the mat with Keener attempting to lock a standing cradle, as both wrestlers go out of bounds.  Back to the center for a fresh start with :57 left in the third period.  The score is still 4-2 in favor of Corey Keener of Blue Mountain with :30 left in the third.  The bout comes to an end with the win going to Corey Keener of Blue Mountain.

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