Saturday, March 10, 2012

John Dutrow Council Rock North vs Mackenzie McGuire Upper St. Clair

John Dutrow of Council Rock North secures a takedown and two nearfall points to go up 4-0 over returning state champion Mackenzie McGuire.  McGuire starts on the bottom to start the second period.  McGuire reverses Dutrow right to his back for a nearfall with :55 left in the second period.  Dutrow bellies up, down in the second period by 5-4.  Dutrow gets a reversal to go up 6-5, and McGuire Petersons Dutrow to his back with no near fall awarded to go up 7-6.

Dutrow starts the third period from the bottom position, trailing by 7-6.  Dutrow nearly secures a reversal as McGuire hips over with both wrestlers going out of bounds.  McGuire drops to an ankle and is just hanging on, as the ref gives him a stalling warning.  The third period ends with a 7-6 score ... the victory going to McGuire.

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